The GL Accounts Administration page in System Management > Recovery provides administrators with the ability to create and manage General Ledger (GL) accounts and sub-accounts in the Lifecycle Management Suite. A GL account is where a financial institution's transactions (credits and debits) are recorded. GL accounts are used when defining the posting rules on a Transaction Code and when creating a General Ledger entry to determine how funds from a transaction are allocated on a recovery account. GL accounts and sub-accounts also indicate exactly where a financial institution's funds are located.
Within this page, all existing GL Accounts are listed in ascending order by GL account number with all sub-account nodes expanded by default.

Information is displayed within the following grid columns on the GL Account Administration page:
The columns within the GL Account Administration page are not sortable or moveable and information displayed within the columns is read-only. |
Column |
Description |
GL Account Number |
Displays the account number as defined during creation of the GL account or sub-account.
Within the grid, sub-accounts appear indented underneath their parent GL accounts. |
Active |
Displays a if the GL account is active within the Lifecycle Management Suite.
GL accounts cannot be deleted from the Lifecycle Management Suite; they can only be disabled. When a GL account is disabled, all of its sub-accounts are also disabled. |
Locked |
Displays a if the GL account has transaction codes or transactions posted to it. If the Locked flag is enabled, modifications cannot be made to the GL account. For more information on this attribute, please see the GL Account Locking section in this topic. |
GL Account Name |
Displays the name of the GL account. |
Full GL Account Number |
Displays the full GL account number, which is comprised of the GL account number and any GL sub-account numbers and assigned during creation of the GL account. |
Offset Account Name |
Displays the name of the GL Offset account associated with the GL account. |
Full Offset Account Number |
Displays the full offset account number, which is comprised of the parent offset account number and any child offset account numbers defined in System Management > Recovery > GL Offsets and assigned during creation of the GL account. |
Description |
Displays the description of the GL account. |
Modified Date |
Displays the date and time the GL account was modified. |
Modified By |
Displays the user who last modified the GL account. |
The GL Account Administration page contains the following buttons and filters located above the GL accounts grid:
Function |
Description |
Click this button to create parent GL accounts.
This button is only available when there are no GL accounts or sub-accounts created within the Lifecycle Management Suite. Upon initial creation of parent GL accounts, this button is no longer present within the GL Account Administration page. |
Click this button to create any remaining parent GL accounts that were not created through Initialize GL Accounts.
This button is only available when all six parent GL accounts have not been created. Upon creation of all six parent GL accounts, this button is no longer present within the GL Account Administration page. |
Click this button to create a sub-account of the currently selected GL account.
This button is disabled if there are no GL Offsets created in the Lifecycle Management Suite and if an account is not selected within the GL accounts grid. |
Click this button to create a new sub-account based on a copy of the currently selected sub-account.
This button is disabled if there are no GL Offsets created in the Lifecycle Management Suite and if a sub-account is not selected within the GL accounts grid. |
Top-level parent GL accounts cannot be copied. |
Click this button to edit a GL account or sub-account.
This button is disabled if there are no GL Offsets created in the Lifecycle Management Suite and an account is not selected within the GL accounts grid. |
Enter any text within the filter text box to sort the GL accounts that display within the grid. The grid dynamically updates as text is entered within the text box.
If a GL sub-account is displayed in the grid as a result of the filter text, its parent sub-accounts and GL accounts are also displayed. |
From the drop-down, select whether to display active, inactive, or all GL accounts within the grid. By default, Active is selected. |
Listed below are the actions that can be taken while managing GL accounts in the Lifecycle Management Suite:
GL Accounts
Initialize GL Accounts
Upon first activating the Recovery module and navigating to the GL Account Administration page, the grid appears blank and the
button is present. The Initialize GL Accounts button allows an administrator to easily create multiple parent GL accounts at one time.
At least one GL Offset account must be created and activated within System Management > Recovery > GL Offsets in order for to be enabled. |

To create GL parent accounts, click
. The Initialize GL Accounts window is displayed listing each of the parent GL account types.

To activate parent GL accounts, ensure that the Create check box is selected next to the desired GL Account Type and enter information within the following fields:
If the Create check box is cleared, the row for the parent GL account type becomes disabled and information within the fields cannot be edited until the check box is reselected. |
Field |
Description |
GL Account Number |
Enter the account number for the parent GL account. This field is required.
A maximum of 50 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
GL Account Name |
If desired, modify the name of the parent GL account.
A maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
Offset Account |
From the drop-down, select the offset account for the parent GL account. All offset accounts created and activated within System Management > Recovery > GL Offsets are listed within this drop-down. |
Description |
If desired, enter a description of the parent GL account.
A maximum of 250 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
When finished defining the GL accounts, click
At least one GL account must be created in order for and to be enabled within the Initialize GL Accounts window. |
A confirmation message appears indicating that the screen was saved successfully. Click OK to close the confirmation. The Initialize GL Accounts window automatically closes and the grid on the GL Account Administration page updates to display the new parent GL accounts.
After initial creation of parent GL accounts, is no longer displayed within the GL Account Administration page. |

Create GL Accounts
If all six parent GL accounts were not created through the Initialize GL Accounts process, click
to create the remaining parent GL accounts. Upon clicking Create GL Account, the GL Account window is displayed.
It is not required to create all six parent GL accounts. |

Create the parent GL account by entering information within the following fields:
Only one parent GL account can be created at a time within this window. |
Field |
Description |
GL Account Type |
From the drop-down, select the parent GL account type. This field is required.
Only parent GL account types that have not been created through Initialize GL Accounts are available for selection in this drop-down. |
GL Account Number |
Enter the account number for the parent GL account. This field is required.
A maximum of 50 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
GL Account Name |
Enter the name of the parent GL account. This field is required.
A maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
Offset Account |
From the drop-down, select the offset account for the parent GL account. All offset accounts created and activated within System Management > Recovery > GL Offsets are listed within this drop-down. |
Description |
If desired, enter a description to provide more information about the parent GL account.
A maximum of 250 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
Active |
Ensure this check box is selected to activate the parent GL account in the Lifecycle Management Suite. |
Locked |
Displays a (disabled check box) to indicate that the account has transaction codes or transactions posted to it. This field is read-only. For more information on this attribute, please see the GL Account Locking section of this topic. |
When finished entering information for the new parent GL account, click
. A confirmation message appears indicating that the screen was saved successfully. Click OK to close the confirmation. The GL Account window automatically closes and the grid on the GL Account Administration page updates to display the new parent GL account.
Edit GL Accounts
To edit a parent GL account, select the account within the grid and click
. The Edit GL Account window is displayed.
Make any modifications to the account and click
. The GL Accounts grid refreshes to display the new information for the parent GL account.
GL Sub-Accounts
GL sub-accounts help organize funds at a granular level, providing financial institutions with the ability to define the components that make up their parent GL accounts. For example, a GL sub-account for Fees could be created under the Reimbursable Other parent GL account. Additional sub-accounts could be created under the Fees sub-account for NSF fees and lawyer fees, as illustrated below.
The number of sub-accounts that can be created under a parent account is controlled by the Max number of Segments setting within Recovery page in System Management. |

Create GL Sub-Accounts
To create a new GL sub-account, select an existing GL parent account or sub-account within the grid and click
. The Create GL Sub Account window is displayed.
Enter information for the new GL sub-account within the following fields:
Field |
Description |
GL Sub Account Number |
Enter an account number for the new sub-account. This field is required.
A maximum of 50 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
GL Sub Account Name |
Enter a name for the new sub-account. This field is required.
A maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters can be entered into this field. |
Offset Account |
From the drop-down, select the GL Offset account for the new sub-account. All offset accounts created and activated within System Management > Recovery > GL Offsets are listed within this drop-down. However, this field is pre-populated with the offset account of the parent GL account. This field is required. |
GL Account Number |
From the drop-down, select the GL Account Number for the new sub-account. All parent GL accounts created and activated within GL Accounts Administration are listed within this drop-down; however, this field is pre-populated with the GL Account Number of the top-level parent GL account. This field is required. |
GL Sub Account Number 1 |
If desired, from the drop-down, select the second-level GL Account Number or a GL Segment Mapping for the new sub-account. All children of the GL account number selected within the GL Account Number field are listed within this drop-down as well as all GL segment mappings created within System Management > Recovery > GL Segment Mapping.
This field can be used for informational purposes to replicate the GL account hierarchy displayed within the grid on the GL Account Administration page, or can be used to change the parent GL account under which this sub-account falls.
GL Sub Account Number 2 |
If desired, from the drop-down, select the third-level GL Account Number or a GL Segment Mapping for the new sub-account. All children of the GL account number selected within the GL Sub Account Number 1 field are listed within this drop-down as well as all GL segment mappings created within System Management > Recovery > GL Segment Mapping.
If a GL segment mapping is selected within the GL Sub Account Number 1 field, no GL account numbers or segment mappings appear within this drop-down. |
This field can be used for informational purposes to replicate the GL account hierarchy displayed within the grid on the GL Account Administration page, or can be used to change the parent GL account under which this sub-account falls.
GL Sub Account Number 3 |
If desired, from the drop-down, select the fourth-level GL Account Number or a GL Segment Mapping for the new sub-account. All children of the GL account number selected within the GL Sub Account Number 2 field are listed within this drop-down as well as all GL segment mappings created within System Management > Recovery > GL Segment Mapping.
If a GL segment mapping is selected within the GL Sub Account Number 2 field, no GL account numbers or segment mappings appear within this drop-down. |
This field can be used for informational purposes to replicate the GL account hierarchy displayed within the grid on the GL Account Administration page, or can be used to change the parent GL account under which this sub-account falls.
Description |
If desired, enter a description to provide more information about the new sub-account. |
Active |
Select this check box to activate the new sub-account in the Lifecycle Management Suite. |
Locked |
Displays a (disabled check box) to indicate that the sub-account has transaction codes or transactions posted to it. This field is read-only. For more information on this attribute, please see the GL Account Locking section of this topic. |
When finished defining the attributes of the GL sub-account, click
. The GL Accounts grid refreshes to display the new sub-account.
If the maximum number of child GL accounts has been created under one top-level parent GL account, any subsequent child GL accounts are added as siblings, instead of children, of the last level GL account. This is defined by the Max Number of Segments setting in the Recovery page in System Management. |
Copy GL Sub-Accounts
To create a new sub-account based on a copy of an existing sub-account, select the sub-account within the grid and click
. The Copy GL Sub Account window is displayed.
Make any necessary modifications to the sub-account, such as defining a new sub-account name and selecting a new GL Account Number. When finished making changes, click
. The GL Accounts grid refreshes to display the new sub-account.
If a new sub-account name and GL Account Number are not defined for a copied sub-account, an error message is received upon clicking that indicates these new values must be defined in order to save the copied GL sub-account. |
Edit GL Sub-Accounts
To edit a sub-account, select the sub-account within the grid and click
. The Edit GL Sub Account window is displayed.
Make any necessary modifications to the sub-account and click
. The GL Accounts grid refreshes to display the new information for the sub-account.
If the value of the Offset Account field is changed, the Lifecycle Management Suite tracks the previous value of the field as well as the dates the value was valid from and to in the database. |
GL Account Locking
The Lifecycle Management Suite places locks on GL accounts and sub-accounts that have transactions posted to them. Administrators cannot make modifications to locked GL accounts and sub-accounts, as making any changes to these accounts results in data inconsistency and corruption within the Recovery module.
When an administrator accesses the Edit GL Account or Edit GL Sub Account windows for a locked account, a message is displayed to indicate why the account is locked and what can be done to remove the lock and enable editing. The message also lists the accounts related to the locked GL account or sub-account to assist administrators with resolving the locks.
The Recovery module lists up to 25 related accounts within the message and indicates if there are more than 25 accounts related to the lock. |
Recovery accounts/repayment plans is listed as <missing>/repayment plan number (i.e. <missing>/132), indicate that the repayment plan was created without a recovery account, or that there is a configuration issue within the Recovery module. In order to resolve this issue and to remove the lock on the GL Account or sub-account, please contact a Temenos Customer Care Representative. |
The following table lists the reasons why a GL account or sub-account may be locked and how the lock can be removed.
If major changes need to be made to GL accounts, such as through an institution merger or core conversion, please contact Temenos Customer Care prior to making any changes to GL accounts or resolving locks. Failure to contact Temenos could result in major data issues within the Lifecycle Management Suite. |
Locked Reason |
Resolution |
Money is posted to the GL account or one of its children that is not a reversal or reversed transaction. |
Create a View with the General Ledger View Type to list the involved GL accounts, then manually transfer money from the locked GL account to another GL account. |
An active Transaction Code has the GL account or one of its children listed as a forward account. |
Remove the GL account from the Transaction Code in System Management > Recovery > Transaction Codes. |
The GL account or one of its children are selected in the Principal GL Account or Interest GL Account parameters in the Recovery page in System Management. |
Select a new value for the Principal GL Account or the Interest GL Account parameter in System Management > Modules > Recovery > Recovery Settings. |
The GL account or one of its children are referenced by one or more account expenses where IsTransferred = False (the account expense has not yet been transferred to the recovery account). |
Create a View with the Expense View Type to list the involved accounts, then select a new GL account for the expense within the Expenses – Account screen in the workspace. |
The GL account or one of its children are referenced by a recovery account that has a non-zero balance. |
Create a View with the General Ledger View Type to list the involved recovery accounts, then manually run a transaction to move the balance from the locked GL account to another GL account. |
The GL account or one of its children are referenced by a repayment plan that has a non-zero balance. |
Create a View with the General Ledger View Type to list the involved recovery accounts and repayment plans, then manually run a transaction to move the GL account's balance from the recovery account/repayment plan to another GL account. |
Follow the instructions displayed within the message or click Ok to proceed to the Edit GL Account or Edit GL Sub Account window in read-only mode.
The read-only mode allows administrators to make modifications to the fields within the Edit GL Account or Edit GL Sub Account windows, however and are disabled. |